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We're just a community of believers doing life together, striving to love God + love others. If you don't currently have a church home, are looking for a place to worship, or just beginning your faith journey - we'd love for you to join us!
Below are a few of our classes + opportunities to get involved. Whether you're a teen, single, married, have a family, or in a season of empty nesting . . . we have a place for you!!
The Women's "Yippee" Bible Study meets at the home of Dana Musgrave every Wednesday afternoon at 4pm for about an hour and a half.
This group is made up of ladies in the community that have a desire for connection and community while growing deeper in their faith through bible study.
All ladies are invited + welcome to join the group.
For more specific directions - just ask!
Every Wed night from 6:30p - 8:00pm
Sun School on Sun. Mornings @ 9:45am
Youth Pastor: Melissa Garza
This group is made up of teens from around the community that have a desire for learning from God word, serving others, and having a fun time doing it!
Come hungry! Supper is served each Wednesday at 6:30p before bible study + various games.
All teens 7th -12th grade are invited + welcome to join us!

Young Adult Sunday School: 9:45a
We believe that young adults are the next generation of leaders in the church. This class is for ages 19-40 that want to spend time studying God's word while asking real questions and building community.
For More Information: Connect with Young Adult Ambassador Jacey Wellendorf.

Children's Sunday School: 9:45a
Children's Church: During Sunday AM Worship
We have classes for all ages. Newborn - Age 3 spend time being cared for in our nursery, while ages 3 -12 gather to learn what the Bible says about God in a fun way that's especially geared to their age group and learning style.
Nursery Ministry: Marcia Foster
Children's Ministry Director : Jennie Lynch

Sunday School: 9:45a
Our adult class is for anyone that has a desire to study God's word with like-minded believers. Open to all adults of any age, this group studies a variety of scriptures and topics each week while also spending time lifting each other up in prayer.
We have several adult ministry activities coming up this fall, for full details check out our TUMC Community Calendar.
Adult Ministry Teacher: Dana Musgrave
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